Thursday 27 May 2010


It's like an endless end

when thinking about where am I heading to in the future

I've started feeling the sense of urgency of making a choice

since i am graduating soon

what is next?

Go back to hometown for some time? Or not?

Straightaway getting a job? what? where?

Go travel?

I find myself struggled in figuring out what are my priorities in order at the moment





time with family?


Yea...choices are opened out there

Just that...if I choose this way..I've taken the risk of losing another thing

life is always like that


like some theories say

people are anxious when they don't see choices available for them

however....they feel as anxious when they are to make a choice

so true

what am I afraid of?


Anonymous said...

are you afraid to make wrong decision?..
all right, life is jz a cycle...1 day u can travel, 1 day u can hv fun with ur family,1 day for sure u get a job...jz not right now..! just follow ur what u like to do and what hv the most benefit to urself..
well, the relationship, no much worry..once u maintain well, everthg ll be alright^^! simple comment,anyhow, jiayou..n_n

A_BIT said...

Thanks for your encouragement~ Anonymous =)